Cycling England is committed to supporting young people cycling.
A key part of its programme is to fund the development of links to schools and within the financial year of 2005/2006 alone, Cycling England has provided £2 million for the creation of such safe links, coordinated by Sustrans the sustainable transport charity.
Cycling is an ideal form of transport for young people providing a healthy, cheap and environmentally friendly way to get about, together with a degree of freedom and independence. Not surprisingly therefore, a high proportion of children in the UK say they would prefer to cycle to school.
'Bike It' is a nationwide scheme jointly funded by Cycling England and the bicycle industry, and coordinated by Sustrans, which aims to increase the number of young people cycling to school and on other journeys. There are currently four 'Bike It' Schools' Officers in post, based in Derby, York, Manchester and Bristol, working with 40 schools over 11 local authorities. The participating schools have been selected for their enthusiasm for cycling, taking into account the potential to increase cycling in the area and the level of support available from their local authority. Cycling levels have quadrupled in many Bike It schools!
In 2006 Cycling England is funding four more Bike it officers to work in and around the Cycling Demonstration Towns.