Bike It

Bike It is a nationwide scheme with big ambitions. Its plan is to get children out of gas-guzzling cars and onto environmentally-friendly, healthy bikes. It aims to vastly increase the number of young people cycling to school and on other journeys.

The project is managed by Sustrans, the sustainable transport charity, funded by Bike Hub - the cycle industry levy, and backed by Cycling England with the support of the Department for Transport.

Already cycling levels at 40 Bike It pilot schools around England have quadrupled, and cycling now accounts for between 8% and 15% of school journeys. Surveys show that around 90% of children have bikes, 30% of children would like to cycle to school but only 1% do. If more children cycled to school, everyone would benefit - the children themselves, the wider school community and the population as a whole.

  • Cycle training for Years 5-7
  • Promotional events and activities such as family bike rides, cycle fun days, Bike to School week
  • Training and practical advice for parents, staff, governors
  • Presentations to parents and pupils, on for example the health benefits of cycling
  • Safety improvements to roads around the school as required with assistance from the local authority
  • Improved secure cycle storage where needed
  • Classroom projects for pupils linked with the National Curriculum

Bike It Schools' Officers work with each school helping with organising events, giving presentations and providing advice and support. The Bike It Officer is the link between the school and the local cycle shops, cycle training providers, community organisations and local authorities. More Bike It Officers are being funded by Cycling England.

Bike It is currently working in eight areas, including the six Cycle Demonstration Towns (link to homepage CDT). The project hopes to extend to more towns and cities as funding becomes available.

For regular updates on Bike It activities and how you can promote cycling to school, please visit www.saferoutestoschools/bikeit and register for more information.


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