Welcome to Cycling England’s E-Newsletter - our bulletin for local authorities

Member Champions for cycling scheme

Cycling England is currently launching a scheme to support elected members in promoting cycling. Cycling England and the Department for Transport will be writing to leaders and executive members in local highway authorities and those districts that have expressed an interest, inviting them to sign up.

A champion for cycling, with responsibilities across a range of policy agendas, can create new opportunities for a council to integrate its delivery of strategies across three of the biggest current challenges to society: congestion, health and pollution.

The scheme offers a range of benefits, including a resource pack, consultancy support, an email discussion group, a regular e-newsletter, professional training events and a Bikeability cycle training 'refresher' course. These resources will be further developed over the coming months as the number of Member Champions increases, and may ultimately include conferences, training events, regional seminars and study visits.

Cycling England will be writing to your local authority soon inviting you to join up to the initiative and asking you to pledge your support.

In the meantime, if you are interested please email .

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