Highway Improvements & Maintenance Opportunities

Reports Available

Tuckton Bridge, BournemouthTuckton Bridge, Bournemouth Borough Council

Tuckton Bridge is a listed structure providing a narrow river crossing carrying a busy Class B road. As well as being a key local link for cyclists, the bridge is designated as a National Cycle Route, but many cyclists use the footway. This report examines the options to make the crossing safer and more convenient for cyclists.



Langrick Bridge, LincolnshireCrossing of Narrow Bridge, Lincolnshire CC

Lincolnshire CC and Sustrans are working to improve National Route 1 between Lincoln and Boston, with a new traffic free path and some rural lanes. At Langrick Bridge the route has to cross a narrow road bridge, controlled by traffic signals. Advice was sought on how this highway section might be improved for cyclists.



A390 West of County Hall Truro, Cornwall County Council

This report follows a request from Cornwall County Council for advice on cycle measures on the A390 on the western outskirts of Truro. Cornwall County Council wished to identify opportunities to encourage cycling, which would supplement current proposals for the corridor.



Best Practice Case Studies


Removing Centre Lines

Type of scheme: re-allocating road space to create a safer environment for all road users.

Who benefits? All road users, particularly cyclists.




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