Following the success of Bike Week in 2005, when 1,361 local cycling events and rides attracted 225,254 participants, plans for Bike Week 2006 and the associated Bike2Work campaign are well under way. Cycling England is one of 16 organisations represented on the Bike Week Steering Group and is the main funder of Bike Week in 2006.
Bike Week in 2006 will be from the 17-25 June and the Bike2Work promotion will run for the whole week. The new Bike Week Event Organisers Guide is available on request - phone 0845 612 0661 or email .
Each year Bike Week has a new promotional theme, intended to inspire local event organisers and increase media coverage. In 2006 events that promote 'cycling to leisure and for pleasure' are expected to be aimed at families and new or 'lapsed' cyclists, encouraging them to use mainly traffic-free routes to appealing destinations. Bike Week will continue to promote all cycling events and rides that aim to get 'more people cycling more often'.
Event organisers can apply for free £5M public liability insurance when they register at www.bikeweek.org.uk from 1 January 2006. Free promotional materials are on offer to all organisers, including stickers, balloons, poster templates, certificates and prize draw entry forms for all participants. Advice on getting publicity for local Bike Week and Bike2Work events is included in the 2006 Event Organisers Guide.
Bike Week 2006 is funded by Cycling England, BikeHub, Transport for London, the Scottish Executive, the Welsh Assembly Government and TravelWise Northern Ireland.
Bike Week HQ, 10 South Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1SU.