Cycling and Health: What will Cycling England be doing?

Cycling England has identified health as one of its key themes for action. Cycling England is working closely with the Department of Health and other key Government departments to ensure that major programmes designed to encourage physical activity, a healthy lifestyle and greater accessibility also include the promotion of cycling - whether for transport or recreation.

Public health specialists with expertise in promoting physical activity have been appointed to advise and assist Cycling England in developing this programme theme. They have produced a three year strategy and action plan which can be downloaded.

Actions will include:

  • Strengthening the health component of Cycling Demonstration Towns (CDTs).
    Liaison with CDTs to encourage action on health, and establishing a cost-effective framework for monitoring the health impact of the CDTs programme.
  • Cycling and health resources
    Production of some key resources on cycling and health to equip professionals with the key facts and figures to help cycling advocacy and promotion.
  • Training module on cycling and health
    Drafting a training module on cycling and health for people wanting to lead 'health rides', and piloting the training in a number of CDTs and/or Primary Care Trusts.
  • Professional development
    Working with NHS professionals to share examples of practice on cycling and health.
  • Relationships with Government Offices
    Working with Government Offices to identify the best way to ensure cycling gets a higher profile at regional level.
  • Communication and publicity
    A series of activities to raise awareness of Cycling England's work on health with key stakeholders and stress the health benefits of cycling to the general public.


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