Six towns in England are sharing nearly £17 million to promote cycling.

The Cycling Demonstration Towns are leading the way in encouraging local people to use pedal power. The funds are being used to make the environment more cyclist friendly, to offer safety training and to encourage take up through extensive promotion.

Through the Cycling Demonstration Towns project, Cycling England is funding and working with six local highway authorities to develop an exemplary physical environment for cycling, supported by a comprehensive range of 'soft' measures to encourage more people to cycle. Its purpose is to deliver a step-change in cycling levels, in towns which start from a low or moderate cycling mode share.


The selected towns are:

Cycling Demonstration TownCycling England will contribute up to £500,000 per year, per town for three years, matched by equal or greater funding from the local authority and its partners.

It will also offer:

  • Advice and technical guidelines on best practice design solutions.
  • Access to other Cycling England funded programmes, including child cycle training and programmes in schools (Bike It).
  • Support in monitoring the impact of the project.
  • Promotion of the outcome of the project.


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