Lancaster Blog

Exeter Blog

The highlight in Lancaster and Morecambe this month has been Derek Twigg's visit on the 27 th of February. The day started with a briefing session with the Minister, Philip Darnton from Cycling England and Peter Toker, Corporate Director from Lancaster City Council. This was followed by a rather cold bike ride a photo opportunity on Millenium Bridge.

The briefing, which was attended by a number of organisations including the County and City Council, Pedal Power, Lancaster University and Cycle Aid, stimulated lively and healthy discussion about the development of cycling in Lancaster and Morecambe. It was especially good to see our two local MPs, Ben Wallace from the Conservative Party and Geraldine Smith from the Labour Party, agreeing on the importance of cycling and supporting our achievements.

The day was also a fabulous success for the promotion of cycling. We received on the day coverage from BBC Radio, BBC TV Bulletin, local Bay Radio, the Lancashire Evening Post, the Lancashire Guardian, Morecambe Visitor, The Citizen, Surveyor, PR Week and Radio Four 'You and Yours' have asked to do a follow up on the day. It just goes to show what you can do with the Minister of Transport, a sunny day and a bicycle!

March 2006


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