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About Us









Cycling England is a new national body to plan and co-ordinate the development of cycling across the country. It was launched by the Minister for Local Transport in March 2005 and replaces the previous National Cycling Strategy Board. Cycling England is supported by a Government Group comprising several government Departments, including those covering health, education, planning and sport, as well as transport (Members of the Cycling England Board).

Cycling England will have a budget of at least £5m a year for the next three years to allocate to four main cycling programmes:

  1. Youth - to create the best circumstances to encourage more pupils to cycle to school. This includes everything from secure bike storage and making routes safer, to cycle training by accredited instructors to a new National Standard.
  2. Place - five ‘cycling demonstration towns’ will be selected for significant
    investment by Cycling England and matched funding from the local authority.
    This will create a community-wide programme involving schools, employers,
    hospitals, retailers and public transport operators with the local authority to build a cycle-friendly environment.
  3. Support for local authorities and other providers - Cycling England will fund a series of projects to benchmark, support and increase the skills of professional groups in local authorities.
  4. Public Health - Cycling England will work closely with the Department of Health and other key government Departments to ensure that major programmes designed to encourage physical activity, a healthy lifestyle and greater accessibility also include the promotion of cycling whether for transport or recreation.

All these programmes will be supported with marketing and promotional funds to ensure well-targeted communication.

Cycling England Work Plan pdf icon (334kB)
Appendix 1: Programme Themes pdf icon (334kB)
Appendix 2: Budget
pdf icon (334kB)
Cycling England meetings (on NCS website)
National Cycling Strategy website
Bike for All logo
Cyclists' Touring Club (CTC)
British Cycling
British Cycling logo
Bicycle Association
Bicycle Association logo
Department for Transport (DfT)
DfT logo
