Bikeability, the new national standard for cycle training supported by Cycling England has been introduced for both adult and child cyclists. Bikeability has been developed by over 20 expert organisations including LARSOA, RoSPA and CTC in response to public demand for a modern, nationwide scheme that caters for today's road conditions.
From Spring 2007, thousands of children will have the chance to get the new Bikeability award in a national scheme which will be rolled out across England. Bikeability will make a huge difference to the confidence and skills of those that undertake it, ensuring they become integrated traffic users that truly understand the complexities of road traffic and awareness of others.
Why develop a new set of cycle standards?
Drawing on the experience of RosPA's old Cycling Proficiency test phased out a decade ago, Cycling England is rolling-out Bikeability to ensure cyclists are able to ride safely on today's roads, and training is consistent throughout the country.
What does Bikeability consist of?
Bikeability consists of:
Who should consider taking Bikeability?
Over the next three-five years, Cycling England will be working towards giving every child the opportunity to have access to this standard of training. That said, any adult who wants to learn to ride safely on the road or improve their bike skills is also encouraged to undergo the training.
What will Cycling England be doing?
Cycling England has awarded the CTC Charitable Trust a three-year £950,000 project to promote the uptake of the standard across the UK. The scheme includes the provision of bursaries - to Local Authorities and anyone interested in cycle training - which covers at least 50% of the cost of the training needed to become an Accredited Bikeability Cycle Trainer.
Cycling England is now gearing up for a national rollout of Bikeability in the Spring of 2007, working with 3000 children across the country. During the gearing up phase we will be looking at all aspects of how Bikeability is delivered to ensure a smooth roll-out.
How can I find out more?
For more information visit www.bikeability.org.uk Alternatively contact the national cycle training helpline 0870 607 0415 or visit www.ctc.org.uk/cycletraining or email .