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Cycle Derby has had huge success in the last eighteen months with regards to working with young people; from cycle training to events, coaching and clubs.
In this time the take up for Level 2 training has risen Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Scheme of the month on 1st May 2008

What is your job or other main activity that involves cycling?
Head of Cycling Centre of Excellence at Transport for London. I have responsibility for the development of cycling in London – in line with ‘Creating a Chain Reaction – London Cycling Action Plan’. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Personality of the month on 1st May 2008
Cambridge City Council is supporting the Waitrose cycle trailer initiative whereby customers can pack their shopping into a cycle trailer which is then attached to their bike for them to carry home.
The trailers must then be returned in 3 days. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Scheme of the month on 2nd April 2008

What is your job or other main activity that involves cycling?
I am director of CycleCity Guides, which surveys cycle routes and creates cycle maps. We have worked on everything from tiny A5 leaflets to cycling guides covering the whole of London. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Personality of the month on 2nd April 2008
This scheme demonstrates how a simple closure creates a high quality, cost-effective walking and cycling route using existing roads. Although the bridge enhancement works were relatively expensive and protracted (due to the bridge being a scheduled ancient monument) the actual closure costs were relatively inexpensive Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Scheme of the month on 1st March 2008

What is your job or other main activity that involves cycling?
I am the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport in West Sussex, an elected Member of West Sussex County Council
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Personality of the month on 1st March 2008

The Beauty and the Bike project was conceived by Emma Osborne, as part of the highly successful Sustrans Bike It project in Exeter. It provides prestigious, fun sessions for secondary school girls to help overcome negative images of cycling and to inspire and empower them to cycle to school. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Scheme of the month on 1st February 2008

What is your job or other main activity that involves cycling?
I am a Sustrans Bike It Schools Officer in Exeter.
How long have you done that?
Nearly 2 years
Where do you live?
I live in Exeter – I’ve lived here for 9 years and I love it! Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Personality of the month on 1st February 2008
Partnership working at Guildford station between Surrey County Council and South West Trains has been recognised for its work in meeting increased levels of demand for cycle parking at the station.
In the last year, to accommodate the increasing numbers of people wishing to cycle Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Scheme of the month on 1st January 2008

What is your job or other main activity that involves cycling?
Public Health Development Manager – identifying and addressing environmental causes of ill health.
How long have you done that?
10 years Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Personality of the month on 1st January 2008