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Search tips
What is basic search?
Enter a keyword or phrase for what you are searching for in the search box that appears at the top-right of every page of the website. Then select Go.
Is the search engine case sensitive?
No. You can type your search query in lower case, UPPER CASE or a Combination of Both and it will not affect your search results.
Single word or many?
Searching for a single word may not give good results. The more information you provide, the better your results will be. For example, searching for ‘cycle path planning’ will give you more focused results than searching just for ‘planning’.
Can I search for specific words or phrases?
Yes. If you are looking for an exact word or phrase, put all the words in double quotation marks, for example, “highway improvements”. The search engine will only look for pages that include the exact phrase and so will find fewer, but more specific, results.
Does the search engine ignore words like ‘the’ or ‘of’ when I submit a search phrase?
Frequently used words like ‘but’, ‘of’, ‘the’ are often called stop words. If you enter a set of keywords in the basic search box which includes any stop words, they will be stripped out and ignored by the search engine.