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Cycling City, Cycling Towns

England's first Cycling City and eleven new Cycling Towns are set to receive the largest investment in cycling the country has ever seen.

Cycling England's flagship award scheme, teaching children to cycle safely and responsibly.
Latest News
Personality of the Month - Liz Clarke, BikeRight!
What is your job or other main activity that involves cycling?
I am the Managing Director of BikeRight! – a cycle training company based in Manchester
How long have you done that?
I started BikeRight! in 2000 and gave up my day job in 2004!
Posted on 3rd April 2009
Scheme of the Month - Workplace BUGs, Exeter
Exeter’s Cycling Demonstration Towns project (Cycle Exeter) has been keen to encourage and support the development of Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) in workplaces. 86,000 people work in Exeter and the project is working hard to get more of them cycling!
Posted on 3rd April 2009
New economic analysis signals a more effective approach to cycling
New research published today makes the case for a fundamental rethink in the way local authorities plan cycling. The research, by independent economists SQW, argues that cycling must be treated with the same rigour as other mainstream modes of transport if its benefits are to be fully understood.
Posted on 20th March 2009
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